93 research outputs found

    Independent Colimitation for Carbon Dioxide and Inorganic Phosphorus

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    Simultaneous limitation of plant growth by two or more nutrients is increasingly acknowledged as a common phenomenon in nature, but its cellular mechanisms are far from understood. We investigated the uptake kinetics of CO2 and phosphorus of the algae Chlamydomonas acidophila in response to growth at limiting conditions of CO2 and phosphorus. In addition, we fitted the data to four different Monod-type models: one assuming Liebigs Law of the minimum, one assuming that the affinity for the uptake of one nutrient is not influenced by the supply of the other (independent colimitation) and two where the uptake affinity for one nutrient depends on the supply of the other (dependent colimitation). In addition we asked whether the physiological response under colimitation differs from that under single nutrient limitation

    The metabolism of lake plankton does not support the metabolic theory of ecology

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    We tested if the metabolic theory of ecology (MTE) correctly predicts plankton metabolism in a temperate lake, based on a long-term (about 15 years), high-frequency dataset of body size, abundance and production, using two different techniques: least squares regression and maximum likelihood. For phytoplankton, the general fit was relatively poor (r 2 0 0.53). The assumption of the MTE on temperature dependence of metabolism was not supported, and the assumed value of 3 ⁄ 4 of the allometric exponent was barely within 95% confidence limits. For some of the models, the value of b was significantly higher than 3 ⁄ 4 . When radiation was included as an additional predictor, it improved the model considerably (r 2 00.67). Including grazing by zooplankton reduced the model residuals during the summer period, when grazing is a dominant factor. The allometric exponent had virtually no effect for phytoplankton, due to little variability in average individual size. Zooplankton production, on the other hand, was better predicted by MTE, showing stronger effects of temperature and body size, the average of which varied by a factor of more than a hundred. However, the best-fitting value of the allometric exponent for zooplankton was 0.85, and significantly higher than the 3 ⁄ 4 predicted by the theory. The ratio of observed production to biomass for the entire plankton community declined linearly with the body size (in log-log) with a slope corresponding to a value of b 00.85. We conclude that the MTE has little predictive power for the metabolism of lacustrine plankton, in particular for phytoplankton, and especially at the scale of variability of this study, and that this could be improved by incorporating radiation into the model

    Reverse Evolution: Driving Forces Behind the Loss of Acquired Photosynthetic Traits

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    BACKGROUND:The loss of photosynthesis has occurred often in eukaryotic evolution, even more than its acquisition, which occurred at least nine times independently and which generated the evolution of the supergroups Archaeplastida, Rhizaria, Chromalveolata and Excavata. This secondary loss of autotrophic capability is essential to explain the evolution of eukaryotes and the high diversity of protists, which has been severely underestimated until recently. However, the ecological and evolutionary scenarios behind this evolutionary "step back" are still largely unknown. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS:Using a dynamic model of heterotrophic and mixotrophic flagellates and two types of prey, large bacteria and ultramicrobacteria, we examine the influence of DOC concentration, mixotroph's photosynthetic growth rate, and external limitations of photosynthesis on the coexistence of both types of flagellates. Our key premises are: large bacteria grow faster than small ones at high DOC concentrations, and vice versa; and heterotrophic flagellates are more efficient than the mixotrophs grazing small bacteria (both empirically supported). We show that differential efficiency in bacteria grazing, which strongly depends on cell size, is a key factor to explain the loss of photosynthesis in mixotrophs (which combine photosynthesis and bacterivory) leading to purely heterotrophic lineages. Further, we show in what conditions an heterotroph mutant can coexist, or even out-compete, its mixotrophic ancestor, suggesting that bacterivory and cell size reduction may have been major triggers for the diversification of eukaryotes. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE:Our results suggest that, provided the mixotroph's photosynthetic advantage is not too large, the (small) heterotroph will also dominate in nutrient-poor environments and will readily invade a community of mixotrophs and bacteria, due to its higher efficiency exploiting the ultramicrobacteria. As carbon-limited conditions were presumably widespread throughout Earth history, such a scenario may explain the numerous transitions from phototrophy to mixotrophy and further to heterotrophy within virtually all major algal lineages. We challenge prevailing concepts that affiliated the evolution of phagotrophy with eutrophic or strongly light-limited environments only

    Predator-Prey Dynamics Driven by Feedback between Functionally Diverse Trophic Levels

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    Neglecting the naturally existing functional diversity of communities and the resulting potential to respond to altered conditions may strongly reduce the realism and predictive power of ecological models. We therefore propose and study a predator-prey model that describes mutual feedback via species shifts in both predator and prey, using a dynamic trait approach. Species compositions of the two trophic levels were described by mean functional traits—prey edibility and predator food-selectivity—and functional diversities by the variances. Altered edibility triggered shifts in food-selectivity so that consumers continuously respond to the present prey composition, and vice versa. This trait-mediated feedback mechanism resulted in a complex dynamic behavior with ongoing oscillations in the mean trait values, reflecting continuous reorganization of the trophic levels. The feedback was only possible if sufficient functional diversity was present in both trophic levels. Functional diversity was internally maintained on the prey level as no niche existed in our system, which was ideal under any composition of the predator level due to the trade-offs between edibility, growth and carrying capacity. The predators were only subject to one trade-off between food-selectivity and grazing ability and in the absence of immigration, one predator type became abundant, i.e., functional diversity declined to zero. In the lack of functional diversity the system showed the same dynamics as conventional models of predator-prey interactions ignoring the potential for shifts in species composition. This way, our study identified the crucial role of trade-offs and their shape in physiological and ecological traits for preserving diversity

    High predictability of spring phytoplankton biomass in mesocosms at the species, functional group and community level

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    1. Models aim to predict phytoplankton dynamics based on observed initial conditions and a set of equations and parameters. However, our knowledge about initial conditions in nature is never perfect. Thus, if phytoplankton dynamics are sensitive to small variations in initial conditions, they are difficult to predict. 2. We used time-series data from indoor mesocosm experiments with natural phyto- and zooplankton communities to quantify the extent to which small initial differences in the species, functional group and community biomass in parallel treatments were amplified or buffered over time. We compared the differences in dynamics between replicates and among all mesocosms of 1 year. 3. Temperature-sensitive grazing during the exponential growth phase of phytoplankton caused divergence. In contrast, negative density dependence caused convergence. 4. Mean differences in biomass between replicates were similar for all hierarchical levels. This indicates that differences in their initial conditions were amplified to the same extent. Even though large differences in biomass occasionally occurred between replicates for a short time, dynamics returned to the same path at all hierarchical levels. This suggests that internal feedback mechanisms make the spring development of phytoplankton highly predictable

    Multitrophic diversity effects depend on consumer specialization and species-specific growth and grazing rates

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    Ecosystem functioning is affected by horizontal (within trophic groups) and vertical (across trophic levels) biodiversity. Theory predicts that the effects of vertical biodiversity depend on consumer specialization. In a microcosm experiment, we investigated ciliate consumer diversity and specialization effects on algal prey biovolume, evenness and composition, and on ciliate biovolume production. The experimental data was complemented by a process-based model further analyzing the ecological mechanisms behind the observed diversity effects. Overall, increasing consumer diversity had no significant effect on prey biovolume or evenness. However, consumer specialization affected the prey community. Specialist consumers showed a stronger negative impact on prey biovolume and evenness than generalists. The model confirmed that this pattern was mainly driven by a single specialist with a high per capita grazing rate, consuming the two most productive prey species. When these were suppressed, the prey assemblage became dominated by a less productive species, consequently decreasing prey biovolume and evenness. Consumer diversity increased consumer biovolume, which was stronger for generalists than for specialists and highest in mixed combinations, indicating that consumer functional diversity, i.e. more diverse feeding strategies, increased resource use efficiency. Overall, our results indicate that consumer diversity effects on prey and consumers strongly depend on species-specific growth and grazing rates, which may be at least equally important as consumer specialization in driving consumer diversity effects across trophic levels

    Empirical Correspondence Between Trophic Transfer Efficiency in Freshwater Food Webs and the Slope of Their Size Spectra

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    The density of organisms declines with size, because larger organisms need more energy than smaller ones and energetic losses occur when larger organisms feed on smaller ones. A potential expression of density-size distributions are Normalized Biomass Size Spectra (NBSS), which plot the logarithm of biomass independent of taxonomy within bins of logarithmic organismal size, divided by the bin width. Theoretically, the NBSS slope of multi-trophic communities is exactly 1.0 if the trophic transfer efficiency (TTE, ratio of production rates between adjacent trophic levels) is 10% and the predator-prey mass ratio (PPMR) is fixed at 104 . Here we provide evidence from four multi-trophic lake food webs that empirically estimated TTEs correspond to empirically estimated slopes of the respective community NBSS. Each of the NBSS considered pelagic and benthic organisms spanning size ranges from bacteria to fish, all sampled over three seasons in 1 yr. The four NBSS slopes were significantly steeper than 1.0 (range 1.14 to 1.19, with 95% CIs excluding 1). The corresponding average TTEs were substantially lower than 10% in each of the four food webs (range 1.0% to 3.6%, mean 1.85%). The overall slope merging all biomass-size data pairs from the four systems (1.17) was almost identical to the slope predicted from the arithmetic mean TTE of the four food webs (1.18) assuming a constant PPMR of 104 . Accordingly, our empirical data confirm the theoretically predicted quantitative relationship between TTE and the slope of the biomass-size distribution. Furthermore, we show that benthic and pelagic organisms can be merged into a community NBSS, but future studies have yet to explore potential differences in habitat-specific TTEs and PPMRs. We suggest that community NBSS may provide valuable information on the structure of food webs and their energetic pathways, and can result in improved accuracy of TTE-estimates

    Resisting annihilation: relationships between functional trait dissimilarity, assemblage competitive power and allelopathy

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    Abstract Allelopathic species can alter biodiversity. Using simulated assemblages that are characterised by neutrality, lumpy coexistence and intransitivity, we explore relationships between within-assemblage competitive dissimilarities and resistance to allelopathic species. An emergent behaviour from our models is that assemblages are more resistant to allelopathy when members strongly compete exploitatively (high competitive power). We found that neutral assemblages were the most vulnerable to allelopathic species, followed by lumpy and then by intransitive assemblages. We find support for our modeling in real-world time-series data from eight lakes of varied morphometry and trophic state. Our analysis of this data shows that a lake's history of allelopathic phytoplankton species biovolume density and dominance is related to the number of species clusters occurring in the plankton assemblages of those lakes, an emergent trend similar to that of our modeling. We suggest that an assemblage's competitive power determines its allelopathy resistance

    The first decade of oligotrophication of Lake Constance

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    In Lake Constance, after several decades of cutrophication, a decrease in phosphorus loading over the last decade has lead to a partial recovery from eutrophication. Here we analyse the shift in the taxonomic composition of phytoplankton during the first decade of oligotrophication in Lake Constance. During the 1980s, spring total P concentrations decreased from ca. 130 to less than 50 mgr·l–1. This decrease was reflected by an approximately proportional decrease in summer phytoplankton biomass while spring phytoplankton biomass seemed unresponsive. Major taxonomic changes occured during both growth seasons. In spring, the proportion of diatoms, green algae and Chrysophyta increased while the proportion of Cryptophyta decreased. The summer trend was very different: the relative importance of diatoms decreased and Cryptophyta and Chrysophyta increased, while Chlorophyta reached their peak around 1985. These trends are also analysed at the genus level. Comparison with taxonomic trends during the eutrophication period shows the expected reversals in most cases. Comparison with other lakes shows general similarities, with the notable exception that Planktothrix rubescens has never been important in Lake Constance. The increase of diatoms during spring is attributed to their improved competitive performance with increasing Si:P ratios. Their decrease during summer is explained by the increasing silicate removal from the epilimnion by increasing spring populations